
Private Practice 101 – for NHS Counsellors and Therapists facing Job Loss

A free online workshop which will cover the basics of starting in private practice for Counsellors and Therapists affected by NHS Mandates.

About this event

‘Starting in Private Practice 101’ – A Workshop for NHS Counsellors and Therapists who Face Job Loss.

As well as fighting back against the mandates, it can be a psychological support to have a backup plan in place, in case the worst happens and you do lose your job.

Many NHS counsellors and psychological therapists are considering Private Practice as a backup plan, but after many years in the NHS are a bit daunted about where to start and exactly what is involved. The overwhelm is real!

Workshop Objectives

This one-off workshop aims to cut out the faffle, and to just give you the very basics of how to start in private practice as quickly as possible, along with some template paperwork to get you started.

We will take a solutions-based approach, and offer advice on common pitfalls that new therapists in private practice can fall into and ways that you can get support with the transition. We’ll also look at how you can tailor your private practice to be in alignment with your vision and interests so the transition can feel as growthful and positive as possible.

The workshop will be held online on Wednesday the 9th of Feburary at 7.30pm. It is free to attend for any therapist or counsellor who is currently facing job loss because of COVID-19 policies, workplace discrimination or vaccine mandates.  It will be facilitated by therapists who are from both an NHS and Private Practice background.

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